Author Archives: cornavadmin

Problem Solving with Clients

problem solving with clients

by Anthony Kiefer Helping Clients Solve Problems to Make Better Business Decisions Savvy businesses make sure to ask, “How are others doing what we do?” and “Are there things that could be learned from how our competitors are organized?”  And when they ask these questions, they come to us.  As a Research Manager with Corporate Navigators, I can tell you that we have the tools to help. A Recent Request On a recent engagement, a Telecommunications company asked for our …
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Competitive Intelligence Case Study

beyond recruiting and into competitive intelligence

One of our Fortune 100 clients came to use with a unique request.  In addition to performing talent mapping and org chart development services, could Corporate Navigators obtain details outlining the Marketing and Communications budgets for some key competitors in the marketplace?
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Identifying Experts – How to Build a Top 100 List

how to build a top 100 list

by Mitch Golob Helping a Client in the Solar Industry A client recently came to us to get up to speed on the Solar industry.  They wanted to understand who the technological experts were in this space and asked us to compile a Forbes style list of the top 100 individuals in Solar technology today. This request aligned well with our service offerings, combining our deep dive online research capabilities with our telephone-driven sourcing approach.  How We Built a Top …
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What Do We Do Now?

Corporate Navigators news

by Mitch Golob    When I spoke with our clients over the past few days, they are feeling the uncertainty that I believe we are all feeling at this challenging time.  We are in the midst of a global health crisis with fears of a global economic crisis coming in on its heals.  Many of the active positions they are trying to fill have been put on hold and other hiring initiatives have been postponed. Inherent in the definition of …
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Transforming Name Gen over Two Decades

transforming name gen for over two decades

Corporate Navigators has reimagined what name generation research can include over the last two decades. We look forward to innovating more recruiting solutions for our clients.
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