Recruiting Research

Looking for the ideal candidate? We provide customized identification of potential candidates for your open positions.

You will receive a detailed contact list with on-target candidate names, official corporate titles, reporting structures, direct lines, email addresses, LinkedIn profiles, and any additional information you request.

Since we conduct our research via telephone, all names are newly generated or verified.

Research installments are delivered in your preferred spreadsheet format and sent to you within two business days.

FastLane Research

Our two day turnaround is unmatched in the industry, but sometimes our clients need same day results. We offer customized recruiting research delivered the same day you request it. For a premium hourly fee, we deliver a research installment by 5:00 pm central time on all requests sent to us by 10:00 am central time.

Recruiting Research mapped out with a pen

Example of Recruiting Research

Example of Recruiting Research in a chart

View a more detailed Example.

Watch a video of Corporate Navigators President explain Recruiting Research.

Org Chart Development

Organizational charts are increasingly vital to help our clients make informed hiring decisions. Up-to-date, accurate org charts offer a clear understanding of a target company’s structure and hierarchy, shedding light on talent within their ranks.

With this service, we will build a visual depiction of the corporate structure of the company or department.These results are delivered in Microsoft Visio, PowerPoint, and PDF formats – ready to be dropped into your next presentation.

Sometimes our clients need an understanding of a particular function or department but do not necessarily require the names and contact information for those individuals within that group.

We can build out a functional or departmental org chart as well, typically for a fraction of the hours required to obtain the contact information for each and every individual on the chart.

Organizational Chart example

Example of Org Chart Development

Example of Org Chart Development

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Candidate Development

Our dedicated team of recruiters are ready to make screening calls on your searches. Whether you provide us with the names you would like contacted or the names come from recruiting research we generated for you, we are able to begin screening prospective candidates within 24 hours of receiving your request.

Our recruiting team comes from the world of executive search and understands the level of professionalism and experience integral to providing excellence in recruiting. We reach out to a list of potential candidates via telephone, email, and InMail to generate interest in your open position.

We provide you with a one-page candidate summary and obtain resumes for all interested prospects we develop. In addition, you will receive a weekly recruiting log detailing with whom we spoke, why they were not interested or not qualified, and any specific intelligence you would like us to gather.

Candidate Research marker drawing one red person in a group of black outlines of people

Example of Candidate Development

Example of Candidate Development

View a more detailed Example

Watch a video of Corporate Navigators President explain Candidate Development.

Full-Service Contract Plans

Get dedicated, full time talent acquisition specialists focused exclusively on your staffing needs.


This service is ideal if your business seeks to augment your recruitment efforts without the costs associated with permanent employment. Includes access to all services and top priority for your projects.

Details about Our Full-Service Plans:

  • *Hire Dedicated Researchers and Recruiters to Integrate with Your Team
  • *Up to 40 Hours Per Person Per Week 3, 6, and 12-Month Recruiting Contracts
  • *Discounts Applied to 6 and 12-Month Contracts
corporate navigators full service contract plans

Data Insights & Competitive Intelligence

How do you stack up against the competition? Our Competitive Intelligence offerings provides this information. With this service, paid by the hour with no minimum, we help our clients better understand the marketplace and their competitors.

We can provide information on an industry, company, department, or function, capturing details like:

  • Department size and composition
  • Statistics around Diversity
  • Compensation and benefits offerings
  • Bonus and incentive programs
  • Marketplace intelligence and trends
  • Employee turnover and attrition rates
  • Additional intelligence based on your request

With Competitive Intelligence, our team can acquire the information you need to make the best decision for your organization.

Competitive Intelligence hand holding pen drawing idea light bulbs